Author: careerowls

Secrets from Hiring Managers

Landing your dream job requires more than just a stellar resume and aced interview questions. There’s an unspoken layer to the hiring process, a behind-the-curtain perspective from the Hiring Managers themselves that also plays a factor in the process. While qualifications and experience undoubtedly play crucial roles, it’s important to recognize the human element inherent […]

Things to Remove from Your Resume

In the competitive job-hunting landscape, your resume serves as your first impression on potential employers. Therefore, crafting a stellar resume is crucial in securing your dream job, but sometimes less is more. By strategically removing certain elements from your resume, you can streamline it to highlight your most relevant qualifications and increase your chances of […]

Top Recruiters and Hiring Managers to Follow on LinkedIn in 2024

Technological developments and world events continue to impact the job market in 2024. However, having a voice to guide and support you through this journey is paramount. Whether you’re actively seeking a new role, looking for a promotion, or just aiming to attain professional growth/development, always seek the guidance of career development coaches, recruiters, and […]

Navigating the Atlanta Job Market in 2024

Overview of the Atlanta Job Market in 2024 The Atlanta labor market in 2024 is a dynamic and changing environment. Atlanta, which is well-known for its strong economy and varied industrial sectors, continues to draw individuals from a wide range of industries who want to take advantage of the many chances it provides.  Anyone hoping […]

Best Tech Resume Writing Services 2024

In 2024, there is a wealth of options for tech resume services if you are seeking to enhance your professional career. However, when it comes to the specific requirements of IT experts, not all services are equivalent.  To assist you make an impact in a competitive industry, let’s examine five top-tier services that will make […]

The Definitive Guide for DISC Assessments

Learning about oneself is the first step in any endeavor, whether you’re just starting out, thinking about changing careers, or trying to reach the top levels of leadership.  This is where DISC assessments come into play, providing a reflection of your behavioral strengths and communication styles.  Let’s explore how DISC evaluations may guide you on […]

Discovering You: The Power of Personality and Strengths Tests

Have you ever wondered what it is that makes you…well, you?   Taking tests to determine your personality and strengths can help you discover what you’re good at and what makes you tick as an individual. It’s like finishing a challenging but entertaining puzzle that reveals the areas in which you excel and the areas in […]

Tips for Avoiding Job-Hunting Scams

Finding a job is challenging! But it is difficult enough to look for work without trying to avoid being taken advantage of in a scam at every other turn.  As you make your way through the job hunting process, let’s discuss a few ways in which you avoid common job-hunting scams. Use Your Gut Feelings, […]

Best Resume Writing Services in Atlanta in 2024

Atlanta has grown rapidly over the last decade, so If you live in Atlanta and need a resume that stands out, it’s important to keep your resume up-to-date with the most relevant information. Keeping your resume updated with the most pertinent information will give you the edge to stand out from the rest of the […]