Categories: Career Development

Professional Development: 7 Ways To Grow

We all have the potential to be great, whether in our personal lives or professionally in our careers. That excellence is just waiting to be tapped, but only a few are willing to take the steps that will lead them there.

So often we question ourselves and say, “Yes, we can always do more and be better, especially in our profession. But why does it matter?”

Well, we’re here to help you uncover why professional development is important and provide seven ways you can grow in your profession.

Understanding Importance

Professional development matters as it expands our knowledge base, helps us excel, stays competent in our profession, and continuously develops our skills while also allowing us to achieve our set goals successfully.

Most of us want to be successful in our career, I mean really, who doesn’t? Everyone wants to be able to live out their dreams and be happy with their job. But if you’re someone who’s stuck in a slow-growing or declining industry with no onward career path, then it might be time to reconsider your choices and try to choose an alternate path.

This alternative path typically starts with one thing – professional development. We must grow ourselves to begin learning more about our competence and abilities to progress into another career and/or another role.

Now, let’s deep dive into the seven effective ways you can achieve professional growth in your career:

1. Change Your Mindset

Our mindset is critical in shaping our capacity to learn and succeed in what we do. According to Stanford Psychologist and researcher ‘Carol Dweck, [HD1] “ there are two kinds of mindsets.” These mindsets are commonly understood as a “fixed” mindset and a “growth mindset. Having a fixed mindset means that an individual is fixated on believing that their abilities, skills, and talents are already good enough for what they need to do. This mindset makes you avoid taking the risk and challenges that come your way as you think that you don’t need to develop and learn something new. In contrast, individuals with a growth mindset see themselves in a perspective where they believe that their talents and abilities can still be developed through hard work, continuous education, and persistence. 

If you are guilty of sometimes having a fixated mindset, it can prevent significant skill development and advancement in your career. So, once you’ve changed that fixed mindset, you would begin accepting self-improvements, seeing new opportunities as a way to grow, and slowly become a better version of yourself.


2. Accept Constructive Criticism

You can’t grow without accepting any criticism that you will likely receive in your workplace. So, if you are having trouble dealing with criticism and are extremely sensitive to any form of critique, you will need to remind yourself not to take it personally. Chances are that the person is just giving you feedback to help better yourself and/or motivate you to develop your skills.

Try to listen to the critic first and decide if they offer you constructive or destructive criticism. If it’s constructive, use it as a way to improve and better yourself.

3. Avoid Procrastination

Instead of laying around and sitting on the couch watching TV, you’ve got to get up and stop procrastinating. Start working on self-improvement, even if it’s just for a short amount of time.

When you find extra time in your day, pick up a book instead of your phone. Or pick out an informational YouTube video over your favourite TV show. Progress is still progress, no matter how small it is. If you’re constantly procrastinating, chances are you will procrastinate for way longer than you need to, only leaving yourself time for a rushed job.

4. Learn New Skills

Self-growth should be your first priority if you want to create a better future for yourself and succeed, so if you have enough time on your hands, learn new skills that can help you advance in your career.

5. Take Risks

Taking risks allows you to grow and learn no matter if you succeed or fail in the outcome. It’s okay to make mistakes or fail in the process because this it’s what makes you much more confident and turn towards taking another risk the next time.

6. Set A Schedule & Be Consistent

By setting a schedule, you learn how to manage your time properly. It will not only help you in your professional growth but also in your overall development as a person. With a schedule, you are more likely to be on time and not miss out on the important things in your life. A consistent schedule also allows you to ensure you’re always making time for learning and reading.

Often, making the schedule is easy. Staying on track is hard. The hardest part remains consistently committing yourself to daily tasks without fail. Following these habits can put your self-discipline to the test as you are showing to yourself that you intentionally choose to pursue something better to grow and improve professionally and personally, instead of the more fun, engaging things that may entice you.

6. Be Optimistic & Motivated

If your mind is cluttered and all over the place, your work will see similar results. Focus only on improving on your goals and look at the bright side. When you are optimistic, you’re are more driven and motivated on continuous growth which allows you to be more disciplined and consistent. And as we all know, consistency is the key to success.

If you’re looking for ways to advance in your career, contact us to speak with a qualified expert about how we can help.


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